8/1/2021 - First laser installation!
After another unanticipated round of construction, our lab space is finally ready for action! We are getting to work setting up our 671 nm laser system for laser trapping and cooling of Li.

4/19/2021 - Virtual Seminar at University of Virginia
Brian visits the University of Virginia virtually to talk about why he loves Rydberg atoms so much. Thanks for the invite Peter Schauss!

1/21/2021 - Renovations (mostly) complete
The majority of renovations are complete and all big pieces are in place! We just have to wait on some controls and HVAC work to improve the temperature and humidity stability before we can really get to work.

11/20/2020 - Optical Table Delivery Day!
Two tables were arrived today from TMC. Still more work to go on renovations but our lab space is starting to take shape!

1/30/2020 - Colloquium at IUPUI
Brian visits IUPUI to talk about "Engineering Long-Range Interactions Between Ultracold Atoms". Lots of great discussions!

9/9/2019 - Brian visits our future lab space
First impressions: Needs more lasers! Don't worry we'll fix that problem soon enough :) Plans are drawn up and meetings are underway, so it won't be long before we start knocking down these biology benches to build a happy new home for ultracold atoms.

8/1/2019 - The DeSalvo Lab is born!
Brian moves from Chicago into his new office in Swain Hall West and the DeSalvo lab is officially born. Plans are underway to renovate lab space in the basement of Simon Hall this fall, so stay tuned for updates as construction begins!